Well Infrastructure

Class Room Facilities

The spacious well-ventilated classrooms with natural light, provide a conducive environment for learning. Every classroom has audio-visual facilities, public address system, display boards, lockers for students and ergonomically designed age-appropriate furniture

  1. The spacious well-ventilated classrooms with natural light, provide a conducive environment for learning
  2. The spacious well-ventilated classrooms with natural light, provide a conducive environment for learning
  3. The spacious well-ventilated classrooms with natural light, provide a conducive environment for learning
  4. The spacious well-ventilated classrooms with natural light, provide a conducive environment for learning
  5. The spacious well-ventilated classrooms with natural light, provide a conducive environment for learning
Our Ak Physics
Produce Quality Education

To groom the students in such a way so that they will get success in their competitive examinations. Our mission at Ak Technology. Patna is to provide individualized education through the integration of technology and well designed teaching/learning processes that address students unique learning style/cultivate independent thought, emphasizes them to contribute their best to the society and nation in meaningful and positive ways.

Mission Statement
Vission Statement

WHY Ak Technology

Donec sagittis sagittis vestibulum. Morbi vestibulum neque.

Service One

Elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Nam varius consectetur elementum.

Service Two

Elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Nam varius consectetur elementum.

Service Three

Elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Nam varius consectetur elementum.


Our Facilities

Doubt Classes
Teacher Availablity
Regular Daily Practice